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  • Industry Digest 7: Unity and it's Planning Woes

    Headline: Unity Motors CEO Lays Out Company Road Map Let's start off the headliner today. Unity Motors CEO Bryan_JamRBLX has given everyone a detailed idea of the company's plans for the next few years. An electric crossover vehicle will be shown between April and June, with the Halo car coming between now and the start of 2022. The company's full-sized SUV and Urban vehicles will come between May to July. Nothing is set in stone at the moment but we'll update everyone as soon as the information is publicly available. They also plan on announcing every day, so the company may get its own weekly series recapping. The Halo is Unity's attempt at the fasted production car on ROBLOX, with it being a high-performance hypercar. No company with a competing product has said anything, but we'll have to wait to see if the car lives up to its hype. It will be released in limited numbers to those who preorder it ( cross your fingers CarBlox gets one ), and they'll ask the owners for feedback and suggestions. Release dates looking it'll be in 2022 to 2023. Then Unity changed the 2-month road plan as well. Now, the 6:SIX will be done by late April to mid-May, but it could change. The Unity Vibe subcompact SUV will be shown in the same time period as the 6:SIX, and their compact sports car will be seen in early May and their mid-sized SUV getting revealed mid to late May. This is a lot in such an amount of time, and we'll be keeping updated on everything we can. Services and Systems. Electility has opened up applications to its UGM service to ten games this week. One game developer I'm sure some are hoping applied is LumiusRBLX for his now hit game: Untitled Vehicle Game. The game recently hit 17K visits and with such a large map, a mini-map would make sense. Unity also announced their new EMS or Electric Mobility System, as they look to be a green company ( such as Elektrisk ). Elektrisk, Rovero, and Hyperion Gear Up for Important Unveilings Ahead of Inspiration Auto Show 2021 Elektrisk and ( probable ) Hyperion CEO BlindedEpisode told the public that both companies will unveil three cars pre-IAS, which takes place in July. The Hyperion Ravenna (formerly Archeron) will be shown on May 9th, the concept vehicle the Elektrisk Constellation ( a full-size SUV ) will get its moment on June 9 and the sedan version of the Pluto will be revealed either at the IAS or an unspecified date. Then MXZBRO publicized the facelifted Bravado will get showcased from mid-June to early July. AMML to Display Nebula Trucks On Unknown Date Orriloz, CEO of AMML will continue to have the brand of the company's truck remain Nebula. The three models we'll see are the Nebula 20, 40, and 60, half, 3 quarter ton, and singleton pickup trucks. They'll sport the same engine options but the 40 and 60 will have the choice of dual rear wheels (4 wheels instead of 2 ). The company also has another truck in the pipeline, a medium Class 6 Nebula will be on the market with the numbering 90. The CEO didn't give us a when, but it's probable it'll appear at the IAS if not earlier or later. Chroma Renames CR.02 to CR.20. Why? JetForce33 and CRC have renamed the CR.02 to the CR.20, or basically just switched the 0 and 2 around. The CEO also announced the trims: /A, /T, /K, and /L. /L is a legacy version on the older edition of the A Chassis, the /K has a turbo and ERS version, with the /T having a turbo and non-ERS version, rounding it out with the /A: turbo version, no fortune gauges, no pit, and no ERS version. Sonya Motors Teases Facelifted Congo With Redesigned Interior Adinsapo, Owner of KOI Brands, gave us a teaser for a facelifted version of the gen 1 Congo ( full review of that and Grand Congo coming Saturday ). You can't get much from the second picture, but you can see a pretty good view of the interior! It's great to see Sonya's amazing cars, despite them being brick cars. CRC CEO Praises Vector on Synith JetForce33, the CEO of Chroma Racing praised the Vector Synith Special Announcement from CarBlox CEO Hi, I'm CarBlox CEO Catalyst_0, and recently, CarBlox is covering more than ever. Now that we cover both ro-tech and ro-cars, I can't continue to deliver high-quality stories and reviews alone and while it may make sense to focus on cars alone "because it's called CarBlox for a reason", the company needs variety in our stories to keep things interesting for both you and me. So that's why CarBlox will hire one select individual to join the CB team. They will cover either ro-tech or cars, writing either our Tech Quay Times or Industry Digest series and the occasional review from time to time if they would like. I'll continue writing the other series, alongside reviews. Applying for this takes good grammar (or one good spell-check ) and creativity, some things I personally think everyone has. If you'd like to apply, use this link here!

  • Tech Quay Times: Ceinder Auto Joins The Fray

    ROMP. Releases New Laptop ROMP. has released a new laptop. It’s a miniaturized version of the ROMP. Quire, called the Quire Mini. You can get the laptop here. QKD Sells new Atlon N Series Phone: N20 QKD has released a new phone called the N20 from the firm’s new Atlon N Series phones. This is probably the one-off budget phone they talked about earlie. Get it at this link here. Headline: Automotive Giant Ceinder Gets Into Tech The company has announced it will be entering the tech market with their first tech product. The CEO didn’t disclose anymore info, but Ceinder is the latest car manufacturer to enter the ro-technology industry. Sonya Reveals Designs for Latest Models Sonya CEO ItsFireFox2006 showed everyone the new designs for the tech giant’s latest phones along with setting the release date for them a day earlier! The phones have the usual Sonya flare, but with new camera designs I’ve don’t think we’ve seen before in the industry! Sonya SmartNote UI 14 Development Put Off for 13.5 due to Development Issues Sonya, according to the press release the company made, is having trouble with SmartNote 14 development, so they are taking some features from the SN UI 14 beta to create SmartNote UI 13.5. This will be available on all supported phones including the previously mentioned phones and will be released alongside them at the April Phone Launch. Dino Teases Next Products and Confirms Release Date Dino’s CEO told everyone they plan to release two new models soon. This is related to a previous announcement about these rumoured products that will be in “ two product categories unseen before!” They aren’t giving any more information on either product, but they did release the codenames: Atlas and Baby Yoda. They then revealed they will be alongside two more products and they will all come April 15th. The CEO told everyone to stay tuned.

  • Industry Digest 5: Station Has Left the Station

    PSA: Sorry for any inconvenience for the website dying last night. I will be working to see the problem ASAP. Apologies to any thing I may spell incorrectly and if I do, tell me ASAP. Sonya Says Goodbye to Desktops This morning, Sonya‘s CEO announced the end of all Sonya PCs. Though they will still get software support, they will not be an option for upgrading. Edit: They are no longer discontinuing their desktop PCs!!

  • Industry Digest 5: Polaris and Friends are on their Way!

    Headline: Elektrisk Polaris to launch April! BlindedEpisode has given the community details on the releases of the Nebula, Pluto, and most excitingly, the Polaris. According to the original post, the Polaris is going to be released this very April, with the Nebula's release coming in mid to late summer (June, July). The Pluto's sedan variant will be released the same day it's unveiled, with the wagon version getting it's unveiling later at an unnamed date. Ceinder Discontinues Fastback Lineup According to the original post, with the Coupe MK 3 having 4 seats, the company is discontinuing the Fastback lineup unless consumers would like a dedicated sedan model. 7 people voted, 6 of them no, effectively killing the Fastback line themselves. They also asked if they would like it to be gas-powered or electric, and the people wanted gas, except for two who voted pizza! They also asked people to vote if they should revamp all their current models. The vote is currently at a 6-6 tie. Trillize CEO Teases Company's Next Auto Joshuaed17REVIVAL, apparent CEO (or employee, can't confirm) for Trillize posted a teaser of an upcoming automotive from the company today. It's seems like this may be the taillights looking at the red lines. Sympex Announces Second Car Complete Sympex Cars and Technology announced today in the AW Discord that the company's second car is complete! While the name is unknown, unlike it's sibling the Sympex Panda, it is known it will have it's looks disclosed at IAS 2021. Chroma CR.02/21 Available for Free League Sale. CRC (Chroma Racing Cars) notified the community that the Chroma CR.02/21 is now available for free league sale and free league sale alone. The pit and ERS script are 50 Robux each, but this is exciting for any leagues waiting to get the thing. You can DM CRC CEO JetForce33 for more details. Outro Thank you for reading this edition of Industry Digest, especially with the website problems. If there is any incorrect info, tell me immediately!

  • Industry Digest 4: Car Companies Were Busy!

    PSA: I had to put enormous spaces between the title and story since Wix decided to misbehave for NO reason... Also, it hates Grammarly because IDK... Bravado Gets a Facelift Rovero announced the next Bravado will get a facelift as it goes into prototype testing. MZXBRO has been hyping the car for some time now, so this is some more insight into the upcoming auto. Origala will Have FOUR Variants UniQ announced the soon to be seen Origala will feature four variants. I'm assuming there will be a variant for left and right-hand side driving areas, and it's not as crazy as the amount of cars Lastin launched at once some time ago! P.I.O Puts Upcoming Sedan Over Artois Orders and Ditches Harmon Kardon for "Something Fictional" P.I.O CEO CarsNBids has told everyone that the development of the new sedan takes priority over fulfilling Artois orders. He also stated that he needs a lot of personal time at the moment which has delayed Artois orders and the new sedan's development furthermore. He then announced that P.I.O cars will no longer feature Harmon Kardon speakers for quote "something fictional". Currently, the most popular speaker brand founded on ROBLOX and in cars is Quō's VicinityAudio, which has partnered with Elektrisk for the Polaris. This is probably who he is referencing as I don't think he has partnered with anyone in the ro-tech industry such as ROMP., Dino, Sonya, or mortech. Elektrisk Cancels Redesigned Interior Release Due to ROBLOX Studio Problems Elektrisk CEO BlindedEpisode came forward today to state that the redesigned interior for one of their cars will not be released on Twitter since ROBLOX Studio gave up (relatable). He then published "amateur" Blender3D photos in the AW creations channel instead. Here's one of them. Solara Breaks Silence Surrounding the Crosstre lushbeta3, CEO of Solara, has spoken up about lacking updates about the Crosstre. The car is in need of re-tuning and some fixes according to the original post. The company will also start releasing new models separately "for good reason" according to the previously mentioned post. Elektrisk Constellation Fullsize SUV to be a Concept Vehicle at IAS. BlindedEpisode updated us on the upcoming Constellation, which is to be revealed June 9th. They added that the SUV will most likely be a concept vehicle featured at AutoWorks' Inspiration Auto Show in July. Electility Reveals New Service Called UGM 4rotr, CEO of Electility and Robreak revealed a new service today called UGM; a user-generated mapping service. This would allow users (at the moment, creators only) to create maps for their games. UGM will also be Electility's first free-to-use service! A game many people wanted a map for is LuminusRBLX's Untitled Vehicle Game. Edit: I accidentally wrote 5 instead of 4. Edit 2: Grammar Mistakes! Edit 3: The rotary dial is a gear changer, not a dial. Sorry!

  • Tech Quay Times: Ro-Tech Companies Work to Stop Jailbreaking Due to Robreak.

    Two ro-tech companies, Sonya ARC and Dino Incorporated, have fully locked their supported line-up to prevent jailbreaking, with bricking any devices that people attempt to jailbreak. Seemingly, QKD products aren't jailbreakable. To quote: Unfortanelly [unfortunately], but 2019-2021 QKD Phones aren't able to be jailbreakable by Robreak. <2020 phones will be easy to jailbreak. Also, talking about too-much adversited phone (yes talking about creative b7) it will be also easy to jailbreak. Vical has a TITAN chip in their mobiles that scans for jailbreaking. To quote them: Vical will have a TITAN chip that will prevent jailbreaking by scanning the device every hour. This will not have an impact on performance. The TITAN chip may also be shared with Sonya's ARC. Attempting to bypass the TITAN chip will void your warranty and brick your device. Attempting to remove the TITAN chip will instantly destroy your device. Nice paperweight Bob! If somehow in a 1 in a 10000000000000000 chance that you bypass the chip, you will be banned from buying Vical products. Attempting to Jailbreak the device will literally have no effect, but a voided warranty. Sonya provided security patches to all their phones but the A-series due to its discontinuation. They also recalled the Sonya M3 for exploding batteries, which isn't the first time a Sonya blew up. Dino CEO Catalyst_0 went on the ask Hyomen to speak up about how Robreak has been using the Konsoru to jailbreak phones. It was then realized that Robreak CEO 4rotr is also CEO of Hyomen, so it was endorsed. Dino's CEO was then pressured immensely by many competitors including ROMP., icon, and others to unlock the Dino X series, to which the company finally gave in. The G and Easel series remain more locked. As the company flailed, gasping for air, the company threatened to sue Robreak, but it wasn't told it wasn't worth the hassle according to the CEO. Robreak also rendered the Iris Security Chip useless during this standoff. Dino has been completely embarrassed and they may be taking a break from the industry altogether.

  • Industry Digest 1: What is Lastin Doing!?!??!

    Lastin Removes Key Safety Features From Future Models Lastin Cars announced it was now shipping cars without key safety features for some reason. To quote the original post: "Now we stopped adding something extra to our vehicles (airbags, AEB system, blind-spot system and etc.). Now we will present our vehicles completely empty." -enes4558, Lastin Cars CEO Now, it doesn't take a genius to know that this is incredibly stupid. These systems are not only the standard but a necessity. With the company already losing respect over the car's poor design and the CEO's unwillingness, this only marks another stake Lastin has driven into itself. Mohammed Tech Releases Plus Size of It's Flagship Phone Alongside Company's First TWS Headphones On a more light and not-car-related tone, Mohammed Tech has released the 2021 Mohammed Smartphone Plus. This is the bigger brother to the 2021 Mohammed Smartphone released in late March. It comes with the two same excellent cameras from the smaller model with a third lens back there and a larger screen. Otherwise, they both have a headphone jack and look great! The company also launched new headphones some time ago: Mohammed Headphones. These only fit the default Robloxian's head so keep that in mind. I'm not going to review any of these as I'm not equipped to do so, but if you're interested, you can get all of them with the links I'll embed in each product's name. Rovero Cancels 300HP Bravado Rovero Motors Company© CEO MXZBRO announced the company will not be going through with the 300 horsepower Bravado in AutoWorks' Discord today at 12 PM. This is saddening as the car would have claimed the crown for the fastest production car. "We will be releasing one version of the bravado only," said MXZBRO. The CEO told everyone that "Many many reasons for that decision and popular opinion" was the causation of this. Turtle Automotive Teases New James Model Turtle Automotive teased a redesigned TA James today at 10 AM in the AutoWorks Discord. This would be the fifth generation of the model and according to what we can gather from the teasers, the car will be the first James to be designed with curves, and possibly, in Blender. We don't have much information now at the time, but this writer expects the vehicle to have a full release soon as this picture here shows much more of the car, and could possibly mean it's ready for production.

  • Industry Digest 3: DMX Passing Disheartens and Sonya's First Car: Congo, Comes To Market

    Sonya Does Cars This is the new Congo, from tech giant Sonya. Released this very afternoon, this minivan is completely made in ROBLOX Studio, and it looks great! Keep tuned in for our full review after the Rigbone! Say Hi to Sympex! Sympex, a new automotive start-up has just made its debut in the AutoWorks Discord! They will be focusing on Blender-built electric cars such as the Elektrisk Nebula and Colt Riolu E. They have reportedly finished their first vehicle, according to CEO NLEGotcha. This writer can't wait for what the company has planned! Headlining Story: DMX Passes DMX, a known person in the community, had passed yesterday. Multiple companies, including Chroma, Electility, Unity, and Rovero, sent their condolences to DMX's family. We here at CarBlox send our deepest condolences to DMX's family. #RipDMX. Dino's Disaster with Robreak and Jailbreaking Dino, on the other hand, isn't having such a good day. A jailbreaking firm called Robreak jailbroke the day-old Dino X2 to run Linux before they jailbroke their new wireless charging pad's Whitechapel detector chip to support 15 watts charging on other phones. The company announced a new Dinobreak program to partner with jailbreakers, but to no avail. They unlocked 15 watts charging on all phones capable in response to this. Robreak then went jailbroke a Sonya A1 and ROMP. told the company all their products come unlocked in box, either to help them or to keep them from being embarrassed like Dino and the firm's CEO were. PRJECT's Projects Dino also announced a new car brand PRJECT along with two vehicles, one brick sedan called the Hera, and a supercar called PRJECT Valhalla that could possibly be made in Blender. No further info has been given to the public about either model. Razscort Making Trains!??!?! Razscort Co-Founder JoyfulOctavio, made a press release today to announce that the company was getting into the locomotive game. To quote the post Hello Everyone! I am CoFounder JoyfulOctavio in the Razscort Server, we make cars and we are starting to make some trains! The Trains will be Old Steam Locomotives and Diesel Freight Trains. They will have a lot of features and horns in each desired train. There will be some rare 1999 Toy trains we will be making trains from the real shows and Thomas & Friends shows called the Talk N Action Thomas but in CBR3 Versions. The Talk N Action CBR3 Thomas Will the real-life Tunes, Music And More Given in the Model! There will be sneak peeks posted in the server below. Now, I don't know what the Talk N Action toy is, but I'm intrigued to see what the company has in store! UniQ CEO Admits They had to get into the SUV Market v3trann, UniQ SA CEO, recently made a post in the AW Discord that they "Had to get into the SUV game". I don't know what this could mean, but if you have a clue, contact me! Rovero Announces Design Contest for IAS Rovero, a known player in the market, has announced a car design contest for AutoWork's Inspiration Auto Show. The winner of the contest will have their design featured at the IAS booth for Rovero alongside a hefty amount of Robux. Challenger's entries must be made in Blender (if the entry is a brick car, it must be an extremely good one) and the due date is Wednesday 14th. Vector is Proud Vector CEO rdSVFSh2 announced that they're proud to say they still hold the record for the 2nd fastest car on all of ROBLOX with the Vector R5 Synith alongside sending their condolences for DMX. Outro Thank you for taking the time to read this extra-long Industry Digest! If you have anything like an interesting tip for a story or a position in the CarBlox team, please DM me at Quite#6178, fill out the form in contact, or join the CarBlox Discord!

  • Industry Digest 2: Rigbone Limited Zemúr Orders Open

    Rigbone Limited's new Zemur truck has just been opened to pre-orders yesterday with delivery dates being between April 20th to May 1st. I here at CarBlox also placed an order for our full review of the truck. But if you're interested in getting one of your own, just know they're many, MANY customization options; too many for this writer to remember! The new Zemúr can be ordered here. Alongside that, I, this writer, launched their own product yesterday: Dino Easel. With the slogan "ROBLOX's biggest tablet", it can be gotten with this link... Or it could have until the website broke. Then I accidentally deleted the website... Oops... KOI recalled all 2006 to 2010 Arc-As for "numerous quality issues reported by owners" according to Adinsapo, KOI CEO. To quote the original post: "Numerous quality issues have been spotted on 2006-2010 Arc-A models. I ask that any owners of any KOI Arc-A vehicles from this timeline DM me to recall their vehicle. Thanks," This is quite worrying whether you're an owner of an Arc-A or not and I highly recommend contacting Adinsapo immediately. If you know someone who also owns an Arc-A, tell them about this recall.

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