PSA: I had to put enormous spaces between the title and story since Wix decided to misbehave for NO reason... Also, it hates Grammarly because IDK...
Bravado Gets a Facelift
Rovero announced the next Bravado will get a facelift as it goes into prototype testing. MZXBRO has been hyping the car for some time now, so this is some more insight into the upcoming auto.
Origala will Have FOUR Variants
UniQ announced the soon to be seen Origala will feature four variants. I'm assuming there will be a variant for left and right-hand side driving areas, and it's not as crazy as the amount of cars Lastin launched at once some time ago!
P.I.O Puts Upcoming Sedan Over Artois Orders and Ditches Harmon Kardon for "Something Fictional"
P.I.O CEO CarsNBids has told everyone that the development of the new sedan takes priority over fulfilling Artois orders. He also stated that he needs a lot of personal time at the moment which has delayed Artois orders and the new sedan's development furthermore.
He then announced that P.I.O cars will no longer feature Harmon Kardon speakers for quote "something fictional". Currently, the most popular speaker brand founded on ROBLOX and in cars is Quō's VicinityAudio, which has partnered with Elektrisk for the Polaris. This is probably who he is referencing as I don't think he has partnered with anyone in the ro-tech industry such as ROMP., Dino, Sonya, or mortech.
Elektrisk Cancels Redesigned Interior Release Due to ROBLOX Studio Problems
Elektrisk CEO BlindedEpisode came forward today to state that the redesigned interior for one of their cars will not be released on Twitter since ROBLOX Studio gave up (relatable). He then published "amateur" Blender3D photos in the AW creations channel instead. Here's one of them.
Solara Breaks Silence Surrounding the Crosstre
lushbeta3, CEO of Solara, has spoken up about lacking updates about the Crosstre. The car is in need of re-tuning and some fixes according to the original post. The company will also start releasing new models separately "for good reason" according to the previously mentioned post.
Elektrisk Constellation Fullsize SUV to be a Concept Vehicle at IAS.
BlindedEpisode updated us on the upcoming Constellation, which is to be revealed June 9th. They added that the SUV will most likely be a concept vehicle featured at AutoWorks' Inspiration Auto Show in July.
Electility Reveals New Service Called UGM
4rotr, CEO of Electility and Robreak revealed a new service today called UGM; a user-generated mapping service. This would allow users (at the moment, creators only) to create maps for their games. UGM will also be Electility's first free-to-use service! A game many people wanted a map for is LuminusRBLX's Untitled Vehicle Game.
Edit: I accidentally wrote 5 instead of 4.
Edit 2: Grammar Mistakes!
Edit 3: The rotary dial is a gear changer, not a dial. Sorry!
I would also like to mention that Quō comes out like this due to the font used.