Sonya Does Cars
This is the new Congo, from tech giant Sonya. Released this very afternoon, this minivan is completely made in ROBLOX Studio, and it looks great! Keep tuned in for our full review after the Rigbone!
Say Hi to Sympex!
Sympex, a new automotive start-up has just made its debut in the AutoWorks Discord! They will be focusing on Blender-built electric cars such as the Elektrisk Nebula and Colt Riolu E. They have reportedly finished their first vehicle, according to CEO NLEGotcha. This writer can't wait for what the company has planned!
Headlining Story: DMX Passes
DMX, a known person in the community, had passed yesterday. Multiple companies, including Chroma, Electility, Unity, and Rovero, sent their condolences to DMX's family. We here at CarBlox send our deepest condolences to DMX's family. #RipDMX.
Dino's Disaster with Robreak and Jailbreaking
Dino, on the other hand, isn't having such a good day. A jailbreaking firm called Robreak jailbroke the day-old Dino X2 to run Linux before they jailbroke their new wireless charging pad's Whitechapel detector chip to support 15 watts charging on other phones. The company announced a new Dinobreak program to partner with jailbreakers, but to no avail. They unlocked 15 watts charging on all phones capable in response to this.
Robreak then went jailbroke a Sonya A1 and ROMP. told the company all their products come unlocked in box, either to help them or to keep them from being embarrassed like Dino and the firm's CEO were.
PRJECT's Projects
Dino also announced a new car brand PRJECT along with two vehicles, one brick sedan called the Hera, and a supercar called PRJECT Valhalla that could possibly be made in Blender. No further info has been given to the public about either model.
Razscort Making Trains!??!?!
Razscort Co-Founder JoyfulOctavio, made a press release today to announce that the company was getting into the locomotive game. To quote the post
Hello Everyone! I am CoFounder JoyfulOctavio in the Razscort Server, we make cars and we are starting to make some trains! The Trains will be Old Steam Locomotives and Diesel Freight Trains. They will have a lot of features and horns in each desired train. There will be some rare 1999 Toy trains we will be making trains from the real shows and Thomas & Friends shows called the Talk N Action Thomas but in CBR3 Versions. The Talk N Action CBR3 Thomas Will the real-life Tunes, Music And More Given in the Model! There will be sneak peeks posted in the server below.
Now, I don't know what the Talk N Action toy is, but I'm intrigued to see what the company has in store!
UniQ CEO Admits They had to get into the SUV Market
v3trann, UniQ SA CEO, recently made a post in the AW Discord that they
"Had to get into the SUV game". I don't know what this could mean, but if you have a clue, contact me!
Rovero Announces Design Contest for IAS
Rovero, a known player in the market, has announced a car design contest for AutoWork's Inspiration Auto Show. The winner of the contest will have their design featured at the IAS booth for Rovero alongside a hefty amount of Robux. Challenger's entries must be made in Blender (if the entry is a brick car, it must be an extremely good one) and the due date is Wednesday 14th.
Vector is Proud
Vector CEO rdSVFSh2 announced that they're proud to say they still hold the record for the 2nd fastest car on all of ROBLOX with the Vector R5 Synith alongside sending their condolences for DMX.
Thank you for taking the time to read this extra-long Industry Digest! If you have anything like an interesting tip for a story or a position in the CarBlox team, please DM me at Quite#6178, fill out the form in contact, or join the CarBlox Discord!
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