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Industry Updates: The Model "Filter"

It's been a annoying few days for the Roblox Marketplace...

Recently, Roblox Corporation has added a model filter to the Marketplace to prevent spam models by hiding models it flags. Unfortunately, as with most moderation attempts from the platform, this has instead affected rule-following users rather than actual spammers.

This so-called "filter" works like this, quoting Colt Motors CEO Ono_Three

"The filter seems to work by gathering a group of models with the same name and find the one with the oldest updated date."

Currently, only two companies have reported problems in Autoworks: Colt and Escori. For Colt, literally ALL their main models and trims were hidden.

The 2022 Colt Vulpes GT, 2022 Vulpes GT-S, 2022 Riolu E, 2022 Riolu G AWD, and 2022 Riolu G RWD have all been taken down from Colt, while Escori lost their 2011 Aurora, 2021 Dusk, and 2021 Dusk Sedan RS.

More companies are bound to be affected, especially companies with more models like Hyperion or Sonya. CarBlox will keep you updated on more brands.


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