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Industry Updated: Sedagli Under New Ownership

After a year in the manufacturing side of things, LumiusRBLX, co-founder and now former co-owner of Sedagli, an Italian luxury automotive brand, will be leaving the company effective immediately. The known Untergelrich creator will also be leaving Uemuki Group as a whole.

A grey sedagli modesto on a driveway beside a grey and brick building.
2022 Sedagli Modesto - Untergelrich

When asked by Solara owner lushbeta3, Lumius cited lacking motivation and a feeling of uselessness, saying:

"Continuously having less and less motivation to keep Sedagli running as well as not feeling useful anymore due to other people joining that can do everything I can do, just better."

He made sure to specify this did not affect any Uemuki Group cars in his iconic town game, including Sedagli's own models, the aging Gioia fastback, exclusive Modesto SUV, and recently released Fulmante coupe alongside Untergelrich-exclusive cars from the group such as the Atai Inu, Yuiitsu UV, and that aforementioned Modesto.

"I am thanking the whole of Uemuki for this awesome experience I've had since I joined 1 year ago. I have learned a lot and laughed a lot too, I appreciate that a lot and I appreciate every single person in there."

LumiusRBLX no longer has his Admin role within the Uemuki Group server.

Uemuki's Brand Manager and former co-owner of Sedagli, Adinsapo, also made an announcement in Autoworks revealing that Portocello owner KASH1R0 will be taking over the brand The announcement from the renown builder reads:

"As of today, ownership of Sedagli will be transferred from me and LumiusRBLX to KASH1R0.We simply do not have time for Sedagli, and want to focus more on our main projects. It was a lot of fun, and we hope the new owner will bring the brand to success."

Adinsapo alongside running Sedagli with Lumius also runs Kayano-Owari International (KOI), the well known Atai Corporation, small-timer Diode, and Korean Sinuo, the final one co-run with Uemuki's Marketing and HR Manager Alaconuriss.

Current Sedagli Logo

The leadership change is effective immediately as of today, and we here at Carblox are interested to see what Sedagli does next under KASH1R0's leadership. This is his second Italian brand, his first being Portocello, and with the huge uptick in quality since his days running Alkazar, the future of the company looks bright. Adinsapo ends the announcement with this:

"Thank you for your support in our project."

Follow Carblox's feed for all types of ro-automotive news regarding changes in leadership and both builders and brands changing over time along the next moves we'll see from Sedagli, Atai, Untergelrich, and more!


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