First Industry Digest of 2022 has the last numbers of last year. This has been in the works for a bit. 👍
Headline: Atai Beyond the Stars
Atai held their "Beyond the Stars" event at the event center in Untigelrich yesterday, unveiling the highly anticipated 2022 Atai Stardom, a ruggedly-designed and stylish sub-compact SUV. The event went relatively smoothly until after the exciting announcement, where it quickly descended into chaos.

According to Adinsapo, who presented the Stardom, said automotive will be capable both in the city and off the beaten path. The car seats 5 and features a hybrid drive train alongside the other standard fare and quality of a car from Adinsapo and Uemuki Group.

Previous to the event held a raffle for the Atai Lychee, which is based upon the Stardom. The Stardom is expected to ship between February and March 19th. CarBlox will keep tabs on the crossover.

The Marvelous Mk3 Moethus
Starting with the Ogras and continuing with the Vaike, Ceinder Automotive Group's name brand Ceinder has been making winner after winner, heavily improving their quality. In fact, in spring 2021, this writer critiqued the poor tuning and awkward design of the cars the company made. Since then, they have become one of my favorites.
On the 16th, Ceinder unveiled the 3rd generation Moethus, the company's full size SUV. And safe to say, the excellent design continues, taking inspiration and ques from the Vaike sports coupe.

According to lookitswierdo, Ceinder's CEO, the car features a dual motor with produces up to 1000 horsepower and seats 7.
"As fast as a sports car, yet as practical as an SUV"
Ceinder has not given us a release date, but from on-the-road prototypes, the car seems to be nearing production ready. It will likely release prior to Q3 2022.
Tech Tip: ConnectedDriver Finally Enters 2022
Performance International Omega (or PIO) has produced their own in-house infotainment system called ConnectedDriver for two years now. And for years the system always lagged behind others in aesthetics. Well, on February 20th, the company introduced two new versions of it: ConnectedDriver EVO III 7.4 and ConnectedDriver+ EVO III 11.

The press release regarding the complete visual overhaul led to rounded corners, a refined design, and major improvements in usability across the board. Finally, Navigation, PIO's Helper voice assistant, and other fancy features will be saved for ConnectedDriver+ on premium trims of PIO models.
The company announced with their first tease of the update that only PIO vehicles manufactured after February 1st will receive the third generation infotainment system preinstalled. This includes new models like the Egoiste.
CarBlox has reached out to find out information regarding the ability to update current generation PIOs to the new update. PIO CEO MagnaSteyr told CarBlox this:
"Technically CDII and CDI models used unsupported hardware."
"In real life CDII would have used x86 computing power and specially designed software for x86. Not to mention a slow a** hard drive"
"The infotainment screen won't be proportionate as the old CDII screen."
Magna did say that an update is maybe possible, but it seems unlikely. Alongside this, more excitingly, ConnectedDriver III currently is a decal, but the company writes in it's press release that the OS will become an interactive part of the driver experience, with plans for features such as adjustable mood lighting.
There's no confirmed release date for ConnectedDriver Evolution III, but it's likely going to ship on the newest PIO's. This marks another ro-automotive brand heavily improving their software offering, bringing them into the modern world. Tech Quay Times will cover any more developments on this story.
This feels quite short compared to Industry Digest 20, with only three stories, but with exciting things on the way alongside working on Tech Quay Times 3, I felt it best to cover the biggest things we've gotten in February.
Industry Digest 22 will definitely come out in March, where I will try a new method of writing to cover news more effectively.